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Shark Attacks Rise 25% In 2010

Shark attacks increase in 2010
Uh-oh…there’s something in the water!
The University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File released their annual report this week and found that 79 attacks were reported in 2010, up 25% from the previous year.
The U.S. led as tastiest nation with 36 total attacks, followed by followed by Australia with 14 and South Africa with 8.
Who amongst us is USDA prime grade meat for these carnivorous sea creatures?
Surfers, dude!
In fact, over half of all shark attacks globally involved surfers.
Bummer, broski’s…
These attacks on human beings are a mere fraction of the attacks on sharks with up to 70 million sharks being killed by fishing fleets a year, leaving 30% of all shark species threatened or endangered.
So in comparison, we should consider ourselves lucky they don’t take try to take out more of us!
While the United States has taken measures to protect sharks by passing the Shark Conservation Act, other countries like Japan still have no restrictions on the brutal act of shark finning, which accounts for 80% of the world’s trade.
[Image via AP Images.]

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Feb 10, 2011 08:00am PDT