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She's Going To Jail!

She's Going To Jail!

Michelle Rodriguez is in some deep shiz!
The fired Lost actress faces substantial jail time unless she publicly admits that she’s a fuck-up.
The L.A. City Attorney filed documents in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Thursday stating that Rodriguez has violated her probation repeatedly and she needs to make amends…or else!
Michelle has been arrested on a variety of crimes, including hit and run, driving with a suspended license and DUI.
According to the documents, Rodriguez violated her probation numerous times by not performing community service and not following her alcohol monitoring program.
The judge in the case has ruled several times that she did indeed violate her probation.
So why isn’t she in jail yet?
Well, the City Attorney has had it. He now says, “If Ms. Rodriguez fails to accept responsibility for her actions and fails to admit that she is in violation of her probations …” she should be ordered to serve the maximum sentence .
That means she could be forced to spend as much as 537 days in L.A. County Jail!!!!
To make things worse for Michelle, the City Attorney says that even if Rodriguez owns up to how badly she’s fucked up, he still wants “substantial jail time” but not the max.
We hope she has good lawyers!
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Sep 28, 2007 15:57pm PDT

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