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How Animals Express Pain...And How It Can Help Humans!

Unless you’re a sponge, you and every multi-cellular animal on Earth have nerves…and many animals feel pain just like we do.
So when it comes to mice, rats, and rabbits grimacing in pain, we SHOULD be able to empathize as we feel pain too.
In studies comparing “grimace scales” for mice, rabbits, and horses, scientists are quickly discovering how to identify and alleviate pain.
As animals that are mostly prey to predators, mice and rabbits (even horses) to tend to try and mask their pain. However, each has physical cues when something is amiss.
Loss of appetite, reluctance to move and general grumpiness are cues for minor pain like biting, kicking, and stomping are strong cues for severe pain.
The scientists believe that these studies can help improve science as a whole!

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Nov 28, 2012 08:02am PDT

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