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Teresa Giudice Finally Settles Her Bankruptcy Issues -- Legal Deets HERE!

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Just in time for the holidays!
According to E! News, Teresa Giudice has FINALLY settled her ongoing bankruptcy case.
Related: Teresa Reveals How She’ll Spend Christmas WITHOUT Joe!
As we previously reported, Giudice wanted to use money from a lawsuit she filed against her former lawyer James Kridel. The mom of four had alleged the legal rep messed up her finances so badly, it led to her second 2013 bankruptcy filing.
Luckily for Tre, a judge gave her the green light to use the settlement cash to pay off her creditors. The ruling allows the Real Housewives of New Jersey star to keep 55% of the proceeds from the legal malpractice suit with the remaining 45% going to the creditors.
In an official statement following the settlement news, the reality star’s lawyer gushed:

“We are very gratified that a settlement was reached between Ms. Giudice and trustee John Sywilok concerning the distribution of the proceeds of the Kridel lawsuit and that Judge Stacey Meisel approved the settlement today. Today was a big step. We thank the trustee for his cooperation and also Judge Meisel.”

The New Jersey native’s family spokesperson James Leonard went on to add:

“We are very happy with the Judge’s ruling as it brings us one step closer to litigating the malpractice claim.”

Well, what a relief for the Giudice family! We imagine Joe Giudice is also happy with the legal victory.
Congrats, Teresa!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Dec 12, 2016 17:55pm PDT