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The Baby Scandal: Done In April (Hopefully)


Madonna‘s raising money for Malawi, but she’s got bigger things to worry about.

The pop star’s adoption of little David Banda is still not finalized.

The Malawian government has been accused of turning a blind eye to the law. It is technically ‘illegal’ for non-residents to adopt in Malawi.

Her Madgesty is due to appear before a Malawi court in April for a final hearing on little David’s adoption.

In her defense, a Malawian government official has spoken out in support of Madonna’s adoption of baby Banda.

A Malawian minister told Reuters, “It will be wrong for Malawi to even dare deny this wonderful woman all the rights to be a parent of David and many more Malawian children.”

How much did she pay him to say that????

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Feb 11, 2008 12:18pm PDT

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