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The Good Wife Producers Reveal Last Night's SHOCKING Death Just HAD To Happen -- There Was No Way Around It!

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The world and The Good Wife was rocked by a cuhrazy death last night.
An integral character on the show was killed off and obviously, we all want answers as to why this happened. Can anybody please explain?!
Luckily, executive producers, Robert & Michelle King and Josh Charles were on standby to reveal their thoughts on the shocking turn of events!
As you all know, Josh who portrays Will Gardner, died on The Good Wife last night, but before you get upset again, the actor says you can blame him instead of blaming everyone else.
Josh said:

I know people will be shocked and some fans will be upset, and maybe even angry, and I can take the hit on that one. If they’re going to blame anybody, they can blame me. But I think it’s going to send the show in a new direction and it’s going to just keep being fantastic. I’ve been really proud to be a part of it. It’s the longest job I’ve ever had. I leave with my head held high and feeling, hopefully, that I contributed in some small way to make it what it is.

Send the show in a whole new direction?! Helloo, some of us are still knee deep in mourning we can’t imagine the future just yet!
EPs, Robert & Michelle revealed Josh’s reason for leaving the show and reassured fans that although Will is gone, there are still other story lines to come that will keep the series fresh.
They wrote in an open letter to all Good Wife fans:

Dear Loyal Good Wife Fans,
We, like you, mourn the loss of Will Gardner. And while Will is gone, our beloved Josh Charles is very much alive and remains an integral part of our family.
The Good Wife, at its heart, is the “Education of Alicia Florrick.” To us, there always was a tragedy at the center of Will and Alicia’s relationship: the tragedy of bad timing. And when faced with the gut punch of Josh’s decision, made over a year ago, to move on to other creative endeavors, we had a major choice to make.
We could “send him off to Seattle,” he could be disbarred, or get married, or go off to Borneo to do good works. But there was something in the passion that Will and Alicia shared that made distance a meager hurdle. The brutal honesty and reality of death speaks to the truth and tragedy of bad timing for these two characters. Will’s death propels Alicia into her newest incarnation.
Death also created a new dramatic “hub” for the show. We’re always looking for these turning points—some event midway through the season that will spin everybody’s lives in new directions. These turning points keep the show from slipping into a numbing sameness, and keep the characters fresh: because you see how they react to a completely new status quo. Will’s death in many ways becomes a hub for the whole series, violently spinning everybody in new directions.
Finally, we chose the tragic route for Will’s send-off for personal reasons. We’ve all experienced the sudden death of a loved one in our lives. It’s terrifying how a perfectly normal and sunny day can suddenly explode with tragedy. Television, in our opinion, doesn’t deal with this enough: the irredeemability of death. Your last time with the loved one will always remain your last time. The Good Wife is a show about human behavior and emotion, and death, as sad and unfair as it can be, is a part of the human experience that we want to share.
Thank you for listening…and watching and caring and inspiring us to rise to the level of your passion and intelligence. There are seven wonderful episodes to follow this season and Josh will be directing one of them. We think you will enjoy them. It├óΓé¼Γäós not all tears — there is comedy too. Michael J. Fox is back for four episodes. Dylan Baker. Dallas Roberts. Stockard Channing, as well as amazing new guest actors. And of course, Julianna does some of the best work of her life. Archie, Christine, Alan, Chris and Matt as well. Life does go on.
We’ve always taken as a guiding principle of this show that drama isn’t in the event; it’s in the aftermath of the event. We think you’ll find that true of this episode
Thank you for your devotion to the show – we are continually grateful.
With all our thanks,
Robert & Michelle King

Well, at least they were kind enough to take time out of their day to mourn with their fans and explain why the death had to take place!
RIP Will Gardner, you will forever live in the hearts of every Good Wife fan!
Thought that was shocking? Wait until you get ahold of this!
Ch-ch-check out our gallery of 15 Most Shocking TV Deaths Of All Time! OF ALL TIME!

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Mar 24, 2014 11:45am PDT

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