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The Kindness Collective Launches With Moby Concert And Book Signing

Over one hundred people were treated to a sneak peak of Destroyed, an exhibit of Moby’s tour photography. It’s also the name of his latest book and CD.
Guests also enjoyed only the finest in vegan foods such as, Vegan Vine wines, Chocolate City Beer, Cavi-Art vegan caviar and much more.
The Kindness Collective focuses on working with domestic violence shelters to accommodate survivors’ pets.

“The Kindness Collective is filling a void in the animal welfare community. Its much-needed initiatives will do a great deal to limit both human and animal suffering.”

Up to 40% of domestic violence victims say they don’t leave the horrible situations they’re in because they fear for the safety of their pets.
The Kindness Collective wants to make sure they know that they have somewhere to go to seek shelter along with their pets.
A spokesperson said:

“It’s unimaginable to go through abuse together and then have to leave your best friend behind….The Kindness Collective keeps friends together and safe, regardless of species.”

What a great organization, it’s nice they got Moby to lend his voice to their great cause.
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 28, 2011 14:00pm PDT

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