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Tom Brady Describes The Ins & Outs Of His 'Personal' Relationship With Donald Trump -- This Should Be Good...

Donald Trump and Tom Brady
You guys wanna pull for the Falcons next Sunday at the Super Bowl??
Ha, OK OK, that’s petty.
If you tuned in to the pre-inaugural dinner coverage, you may remember when Donald Trump name-dropped getting a call from Tom Brady to offer his congratulations before the controversial businessman was sworn into office.
Related: Wait, Troy Aikman Does Kinda Look Like Jay Z…
On Monday, the Patriots quarterback was asked to confirm the phone call — and to clarify his relationship with our new POTUS.
During his weekly appearance on WEEI‘s Kirk and Callahan show, the 39-year-old explained:

“I have called him, yes, in the past. Sometimes he calls me. Sometimes I call him. But, again, that’s been someone I’ve known. I always try to keep it in context because for 16 years you know someone before maybe he was in the position that he was in. He’s been very supportive of me for a long time. It’s just a friendship. I have a lot of friends. I call a lot of people.”

Then the athlete added:

“Why does everybody make such a big deal? I don’t understand it.”

Um, maybe because you’re a highly-respected public figure and have a huge voice in our culture? And he’s a racist bully with way too much power? Other than that, we have no idea…
When asked about his opinion on women who are anti-Trump, the father-of-three diverted:

“I don’t want to get into it, but if you know someone, it doesn’t mean you agree with everything they say or they do. You have a lot of friends in your life. I think there are things that are based in your own dealings with someone that is a personal dealing, not a public dealing. Because you have personal experiences.”

Related: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson ROASTS Tom!
You can listen to the full interview (below)!!

This is kinda like that time Brady completely refused to comment on Donald’s “locker room talk”:

Are you over Tom and his big ass jacket??
[Image via Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

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Jan 24, 2017 11:15am PDT