Got A Tip?

Star Seeker


Uh Oh!


The new Sex & The City film premiered in London on Monday night and…

The movie is getting mixed reviews. Not good!

The well-respected Times only gave the pic 2 out of 5 stars!

Here are some highlights of what their critic has to say:

– There may be a problem with a film when a narrator constantly tells you the meaning of what you have just seen, gift-wrapping each scene with a moral.

– There may be a problem with stretching Sex and the City into a two hour and twenty minute film – it can feel like a never ending dinner party: however pleasant the courses, after a while you can hardly eat another one.

It should be noted, however, that the reviewer was a guy.

We’re assuming he wasn’t gay!

[Photo via Getty Images.]

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May 12, 2008 21:15pm PDT