Vanessa Hudgens is the latest in a long line of celebs to get an earful on Twitter this week due to her pandemic travel schedule!
The 32-year-old former High School Musical star is trending on the social media site as of Monday evening, and it’s all because she simply can’t stop posting pics while working in Scotland! Girl, all the rest of us are stuck at home in quarantine… what are you doing?!
Related: Vanessa’s Sexy Bikini Video Is A Next-Level Thirst Trap! Wow!
As it turns out, Vanessa is currently across the pond filming her latest movie, and she’s showing it all off on Instagram. This, too, even though Scotland itself is under complete lockdown right now according to The Sun, with residents advised to only leave their homes “to take exercise or go for a walk once a day.”
But as we’ve seen time and time again, celebs haven’t always believe pandemic-related social distancing rules should apply to them, too… Sigh…
As you can see (below), the Christmas movie star hasn’t exactly been shy about posting very public travel pics within the last few days on her main feed, as well as her Instagram Stories:
Even if you’re just going for your walk, you knew this would happen!
Eagle-eyed Scottish fans and followers immediately noticed the Forth Road Bridge in the background of that top pic, and they weren’t hesitant to call out the Princess Switch actress because of it.
Here are just a few reactions condemning the actress for her mid-pandemic travel habits (below):
“Why the f**k is Vanessa Hudgens cutting about Scotland in the middle of a pandemic??? GO HAME [sic]”
“Vanessa Hudgens posting a photo with the Forth Road Bridge in the back killed me off today”
“Get that she’s working on a film and that, but Jesus Christ we’re all grounded by the government and she just prancing about getting pics for the ‘gram like we’re not still in a pandemic.”
“Is it time for Vanessa Hudgens to be a total moron again?”
“The fact that Vanessa Hudgens is just roaming about Edinburgh actually blows my mind, casually putting a story up with the bridges in it saying ‘Monday mornings’ like what?”
“Didn’t realise Vanessa Hudgens was an essential worker.”
Yikes!! She’s getting told off!
Still, other fans defended the popular poster, with several pointing out various double standards that they discovered in the public criticism taking place on Monday:
“People really trying to hate on Vanessa Hudgens for working in Scotland? If you do then please send your frustrations to Robert Pattinson and his crew and also tell Tom Cruise to ‘go home’. Both are filming movies in the UK/have done over the last few months. The freaking misogyny.”
“Vanessa Hudgens getting hate for going on a government allowed daily walk and posting a picture whilst out on it which 100% of the public are perfectly also in their rights to do? Also the film is literally giving work to a lot of people in the arts in Scotland after a tough year”
“Nicole Kidman filmed a movie in Northern Ireland a month ago and went on a walk, as she was perfectly allowed to do, and she got praise for it, no-one told her to go home. For anyone hating on Vanessa Hudgens. Selective cancel culture at its finest.”
They make some interesting points, too!
Of course, this isn’t the first coronavirus-related controversy Vanessa has found herself involved in recently. And her apology for that first s**t show was pretty bad, too, so who knows what might be coming after this one…
What do U think, though, Perezcious readers?! Is Vanessa just an easy target in this case?? People are allowed to walk around outside, right? Or should she lead by example and quit it with the travel pics??
Sound OFF with your take on everything here down in the comments (below)…
[Image via Vanessa Hudgens/Instagram]