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75-Year-Old Walmart Worker Suffers Broken Hip After Confronting Shoplifter

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A 75-year-old Walmart greeter in Clarksville, Indiana suffered a nasty injury after a confrontation with a shoplifter left her on the ground.
Store greeter Patricia Wilson was working an early morning shift at the retail giant in late March when she spotted a man trying to leave the store with a full cart.
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The employee spotted “large merchandise” hidden under bathroom tissue, and as customary of her job, went to make sure everything was paid for.
She explained via phone call to WDRB:

“He has a cart full, I mean, large merchandise underneath some bathroom tissue. So, I went over to him and asked for his receipt. He didn’t say a word … he just automatically turned the cart towards me, and I thought he was going to knock me over, so, my instinct was to grab hold.”

That’s when things took a painful turn, as the suspect sharply pulled the cart away from the elderly worker and sent her falling to the floor, landing her one agonizing hip injury. She added:

“I landed on my hip. I couldn’t move, I felt like I was paralyzed.”

Clarksville Police say the incident happened around 4 in the morning. Officials are trying to identify the suspect, who faces more than just a shoplifting charge.
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Detective Ray Hall told local press:

“Since he forcibly took the product from a Walmart employee, he will be charged with strong arm robbery.”

As for Wilson, who left the scene on a stretcher with a broken hip, she seems to regret trying to be a hero, noting:

“I would never try to stop him or anything, but I do regret asking for his receipt.”

Well, that is her job, after all. But are Walmart greeters also supposed to double as bodyguards?
Let’s hope the chain titan does a better job at keeping its employees safe. Watch surveillance footage of the altercation HERE.
[Image via WDRB.]

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Apr 25, 2017 17:29pm PDT

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