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​MMA Fighter War Machine Laughs In Court When His Ex Recounts Him Sexually Assaulting Her

This guy needs help.
MMA fighter War Machine was arrested after he brutally beat up his ex-girlfriend Christy Mack and a friend of hers, Corey Thomas, at her Las Vegas home.
On Friday, War Machine, aka Jonathan Koppenhaver, watched as Christy took the stand during a preliminary hearing to tell her side of the horrible story, after Thomas told his side.
[ Related: War Machine Quoted Nietzsche & Asked Ex Christy Mack To Forgive Him In His Suicide Note ]
When Christy began talking, Koppenhaver smiled to himself when sexual violence was addressed, at which time this exchange took place (above):

Prosecutor: “Was there sexual violence?”
Mack: “Yes.”
Prosecutor: “Judge I would like the record to show that Mr. Koppenhaver is laughing and shaking his head.”
Defense: “Objection, He wasn’t laughing.”
Justice: “I watched him laugh.”

In addition to Mack’s testimony, which has been reported on from the time of the incident, Thomas added that he suffered a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder as a result of the beating.
Right now, Koppenhaver has been charged with attempted murder, assault, battery, open and gross lewdness, and strangulation, and he’ll be arraigned on Thursday.

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Nov 16, 2014 00:01am PDT

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