This wedding really went off the rails!!
Guests of a Florida wedding are furious after they discovered their food was laced with marijuana!! And now the bride and caterer are potentially facing years behind bars!
The fiasco all started back in February when friends of bride Danya Shea Glenny Svoboda (above, left) arrived at the outdoor ceremony held at The Springs Clubhouse in Longwood, a suburb of Orlando. Things started as happy as ever as the bride and groom tied the knot in front of their 70 guests.
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Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when dinner was served. The scrumptious meal of bread, pasta (cheese tortellini and lasagna), and desserts all had a special ingredient — they were laced with weed! And no one told the attendees! Guest Miranda Cady told
“It all hit everyone pretty instantaneously. We were all fine and then we were all not.”
Speaking to WFTV, she added:
“I actually text myself, at one time, a message just in case I didn’t make it through the night.”
OMG! She wasn’t the only one feeling out of sorts. Best man Matthew Svodoba, who happens to work for the Department of Justice, also appeared “incoherent and could not answer a question,” according to an arrest warrant obtained by Law and Crime. Danya, 42, and caterer Joycelyn Montrinice Bryant, 31 (above, right), have since turned themselves in. They have been released from police custody and are scheduled for an arraignment on June 7. They have been charged with delivering marijuana, tampering with guests’ food, and misdemeanor culpable negligence after guests fell ill from the drugged dinner. The tampering charge carries a maximum punishment of up to 30 years in prison! Whoa!
It’s unclear if the groom, Andrew Svoboda, was aware of the weed issue in the food he and his bride were providing guests. Apparently, one guest told police that he’d texted Andrew after taking his wife to the hospital after she fell ill at the event. He asked if the food had been drugged, but Andrew allegedly told the guest he didn’t know. When speaking to police about whether or not people had requested or consented to the food offerings, Andrew allegedly “stared at Deputy Donald Schwaezman with a blank expression for a few moments before replying, ‘No,’” an arrest warrant for his wife read.
As of now, guests have no clue why their food was drugged. Miranda told WFTV:
“It was pretty traumatic – emotionally traumatic. I’m the type of person to walk into a room and everyone’s my friend. To be violated this way from someone you like and trust is really hurtful. I didn’t have an option or say. Even if people avoided things like the olive oil, it was still in the bread, in the pasta.”
Thinking back on the meal, Cady recalled that the food “took forever” to arrive and that the mood of the party shifted instantly after people had finished eating.
“Everyone was kind of sitting on the sidelines. That was kind of the first red flag. ‘What’s happening at this wedding?’”
LOLz! That sounds like such a bummer of a party! Many of the guests also began to have adverse reactions to the drug, she continued:
“Around that time, we started looking around and everyone’s giggling. Someone had said, ‘Are we stoned?’ Absolutely, we were out of our minds.”
Even recreational cannabis smokers at the event said that the meal “hit them like a truck.” Damn! We wonder how much weed they all consumed?! Of course, the reaction was even more concerning for those who had never gotten high before, Cady shared:
“You can only imagine the rest of us with no tolerance. We thought we were dying.”
One woman told police she felt “numb, helpless and her mind was playing strange things in her head.” She even thought her son-in-law had died and that her family hadn’t told her! She was taken to the hospital and later described as “loud and unruly and had to be given something to calm down,” police noted.
Another guest “felt tingly, his heart started to race, and [he] was having crazy thoughts.” He told police that he ate two meatballs, Caesar salad, tortellini, and “bread with an olive oil and herb dip.” A third guest was left vomiting profusely, via the police. Sounds awful!
Shockingly, the bride even had elderly parents and grandparents in attendance — who ate the food! Some were knowingly on heart medication too, something that should not be mixed with marijuana. When one woman took her mom inside the clubhouse for a glass of water, a member of the kitchen staff said they didn’t have water. Um, wtf?! They then explained why the woman’s stomach might be hurting, and the other shoe finally dropped! An arrest warrant noted that the staffer replied:
“Well, there’s cannabis in the food.”
When police arrived at the scene, Joycelyn’s Southern Kitchen staff were seen fleeing in their cars.
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Children were at the party but they were seated at a kids’ table. It’s unclear if they ate any of the same food. Wow. Whether or not they did, their experience was certainly tarnished by their parents’ behavior. Cady explained that many family members had traveled from Michigan to attend (and saved thousands of dollars to take their kids to Disney World at the same time):
“The memory their children get to take back is their parents stoned out of their minds in their bed. It definitely wasn’t OK that that happened.”
Something tells us they didn’t make it to see Mickey…
Cady herself was so out of it that she couldn’t order an Uber home. She had to sleep in her car at the venue’s parking lot until the drugs wore off! She also was convinced she was going to die and “sent a text to herself so if she died in her car someone would know what happened to her.” She still has no clue why the bride would do this, telling
“I would like to give her the benefit of the doubt. But I really have no idea.”
Officers took samples of the food and various dishware. The caterer allegedly told Cady about the food’s secret ingredient, but the woman thought she was joking. She told police that she saw Bryant removing a “green substance” from a punch bowl and placing it in ramekins and mixing into the olive oil. After eating the food and feeling “stoned,” she says, she was actually told about the weed by the bride herself, who was acting as if she should be “excited.” Clearly nobody felt that way…
Hear more from Miranda (below).
What a mess. Can you believe this?! Let us know your thoughts in the comments (below)!
[Image via Seminole County Sheriff’s Office]