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Winona Ryder Recalls Shocking Mel Gibson Encounter When He Asked If She Was A Jewish 'Oven Dodger'

Winona Ryder says Mel Gibson made anti-semitic comments to her years ago at a party.

We know Mel Gibson was kind of already canceled for horrible things he said in public, but YEESH this is awful…

In a new interview with The Sunday Times, Winona Ryder accused the 64-year-old actor of making truly disgusting anti-Semitic and anti-gay comments to her and her friends while they were at a party together in 1995.

We know Gibson is hardly the pillar of morality after being accused of this shameful behavior before, but this story might make anyone think long and hard about working with him ever again!

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The incident was brought up as Ryder, who is Jewish, was asked to recall times when she might’ve experienced anti-semitism in the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, she listed several examples including being told she didn’t look “blue-blooded” enough for certain roles. But the low point seems to have been her encounter with Gibson, who was on top of the world that year, winning the Oscar for Braveheart, still a decade away from his drunken, anti-semitic rant during a DUI arrest in 2006.

She recalled:

“We were at a crowded party with one of my good friends. And Mel Gibson was smoking a cigar, and we’re all talking and he said to my friend, who’s gay, ‘Oh wait, am I gonna get AIDS?’”

Ugh. Way to perpetuate grossly inaccurate sentiments about the LGBTQ+ community! The Stranger Things star continued:

“And then something came up about Jews, and he said, ‘You’re not an oven dodger, are you?'”

It’s not often we’re left speechless, but, wow…

Not only was asking the question offensive and scary, it’s also graphic and crass in the worst way imaginable. And to think he said this conversationally as if it’s a fun party joke he likes to throw around. Not cool!!

Ryder went on to say the Lethal Weapon star “tried” to apologize some time later but did not elaborate on how that went down — and his rep has not yet responded to media requests for comment. By the way, Winona apparently told this story back in 2010 during an interview with GQ and noted that “no one believed” her then! Well, we hope people are listening now!

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As we touched on earlier, this seems to be a pattern for Mel Gibson. There was the infamous outburst from July 2006, when a police report revealed that he said, “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!” to a Jewish officer during a DUI arrest. A decade later in 2016, he told Variety of the incident:

“It was an unfortunate incident. I was loaded and angry and arrested. I was recorded illegally by an unscrupulous police officer who was never prosecuted for that crime. And then it was made public by him for profit, and by members of — we’ll call it the press. So, not fair. I guess as who I am, I’m not allowed to have a nervous breakdown, ever.”

Not exactly an apology, was it? (Man, that whole attacking-the-media response to unflattering news really caught on, too…)

It appears the fallout has begun anew for Mel. According to The Wrap, following Ryder’s claims the 64-year-old was asked not to reprise his voiceover role in the sequel to the animated film Chicken Run, which is set to go into production at some point next year.

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[Image via Sheri Determan/Instar/WENN]

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Jun 23, 2020 11:13am PDT