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Your Family Can Win A 4-Pack To 2019 Winter Fest OC -- Deets Here!

Winter Fest Givaway

Feeling lucky this winter!? Then enter to win this AH-Mazing giveaway!

Thanks to our friends at Winter Fest OC, all you Perezcious readers have a chance to win a family 4-pack to SoCal’s hottest winter festival — complete with an outdoor ice rink, an ice tubing slide, nightly snowfall, and a candy cane carnival!

It’s basically like the Nutcracker, but without that creepy Rat King!!

So, here’s the deal. The passes are for Saturday, January 4, and include: four general admission tickets, four Snowflake Summit Ice Tube fast passes, access into Club Winter Fest Fireside Lounge, and four drink or s’mores kits vouchers!

How do I enter, you ask? All you have to do is COMMENT ON THIS POST (below)! Just make sure you enter by January 2 at 6 p.m. EST!

Good luck! And for more on Winter Fest, head to their website!

[Image via Instagram]

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Dec 31, 2019 07:00am PDT

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