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This Woman Put Grandma's Ashes In Pasta Sauce & Fed It To Her Brother As A Prank! WTF?!

Woman Admits To Eating Her Grandmother's Ashes & Putting Them In Pasta Sauce To Prank Her Brother During Shocking Radio Confession!

One woman in Australia has a sickening ingredient she put into her pasta sauce one time…

The woman in question — Cheyenne from Narre Warren in Victoria — called into the Melbourne radio show Fifi, Fev & Nick for the “Cashfessional” segment on Tuesday, where she made a disturbing confession on air. It was so messed up that the hosts’ — Fifi Box, Brendan Fevola, and Nick Cody — jaws were on the floor!

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The caller admitted to not only eating her grandmother’s ashes but later serving it to her brother in a pasta sauce as a prank! Yeah, she sampled her grandma’s remains and then made her sibling do so as well! Cheyenne first told the hosts:

“I ate my Nan.”

Jeez. When asked how she ate her grandmother, the woman explained she died in August of last year and was cremated. While mourning her nan, she decided to have a little “taste” of her one night! So disgusting! Cheyenne recalled:

“Obviously my family and myself were grieving, so I went over to Mum’s one night and thought to cheer her up a bit … let’s just taste nan. After I did it once, I got mom to do it because I didn’t want to be alone in it.”

Her mom did it too?! WHAT! And the confession gets more twisted! Cheyenne then said she pranked her brother — who just got out of prison at the time — by putting their grandmother’s ashes into some pasta sauce while he stayed at her home and… he ATE IT! She said:

“This is the part I’ve told nobody. We haven’t lived with each other since we were, like, young kids. So I thought it would be funny to prank him … and I put some of Nan’s ashes in the pasta sauce.”


Did  she tell him afterward?! If her brother had no idea she did this before, hopefully, he knows now since she aired out the big secret on the radio! We need his reaction to what happened! The three hosts were, of course, stunned by the story. Looking horrified, Fifi simply responded:

“Oh Cheyenne…”

Brendan, on the other hand, dropped a joke in response, saying:

“Spaghetti alla nan.”

Oh no… Fifi, still disturbed by Cheyenne’s tale, continued:

“This is so much for me, like, I’m taking it on board. It’s a lot of eating nan.”

Apparently, Cheyenne enjoys “eating nan” a lot and hasn’t stopped! She confessed she has “a weird addiction” to the ashes, which she still has “a whole box full” left. When asked if she still eats her nan’s ashes, she said:

“I’ll say yes for your sake Fifi.”

What the actual f**k. Cheyenne then noted she eats the ashes “just for fun,” adding:

“I feel like we’re closer than ever. Nan will live on through me forever.”

Umm… WHAT?! This has to be one of the most messed up confessions they’ve ever heard on their show! And we are shocked she didn’t take this secret to the grave! Listen to the confession (below):

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[Image via Warner Bros,Hulu/YouTube]

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May 28, 2024 12:11pm PDT