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50 Shades Of Grey

Woman Caught Masturbating During 50 Shades Of Grey & The Cops Give Her EXACTLY What She Wanted

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We should all be so lucky when getting arrested. LOLz!
A woman in Sinaloa, western Mexico was enjoying Fifty Shades of Grey a little bit too much in the theater. While the film was playing, the 33-year-old was caught playing with herself in the 12th row.
[ Related: Malin Akerman Shares A 50 Shades Of Grey Throwback Featuring A Very Naked Jamie Dornan! ]
Then, instead of depriving her of any roughness, the cops decided to arrest her for masturbation, and cuff her, nearly completing the fantasy she was trying to live out anyway!
So, some might say this law breaker had a happy ending!
The biggest mystery, of course, is how she was caught masturbating over the sound of everyone else masturbating — it was a showing of Fifty Shades, after all! HA!

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Feb 23, 2015 13:00pm PDT

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