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Woman WISHES Boyfriend Had Just Been Cheating -- What She Found Was So Much Worse!

Woman WISHES Boyfriend Had Just Been Cheating -- What She Found Was So Much Worse!

An Australian woman is in shambles after discovering her boyfriend’s secret fetish — something MANY commenters agree is “disgusting”…

Originally shared on Facebook, the concerned girlfriend revealed that after six years with her man, she wishes he would have just cheated on her… Because in reality what he was ACTUALLY doing was far harder for her to wrap her mind around. That thing?

He was dressing up in baby clothes!!!


After making the concerning discovery, she took to the social media platform to ask users what they would do in her position. According to, she wrote:

“What would you do if you found out your partner of six years wears nappies and baby clothes?”

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She continued:

“I’ve suspected [it for years] but never had actual proof [until now]. I found things like dummies or bottles and asked about them. I originally thought he was cheating on me with someone who had a child. I think I’d prefer that.”

That’s, like, REALLY disturbing… We’d be feeling the same way!!!

Many users quickly began flooding the comments with horrified takes, slamming the behavior as “strange,” “gross,” “disgusting,” and just about every other synonym under the sun. But one user offered a more information — revealing he’s not the only one with the icky fetish:

“They’re known as ‘littles.’ Some are sex-related but others use it as a trauma-based safe space. They revert to a childlike state by dressing and acting like a child (having toys and using crayons to colour) — and usually even having a full room dedicated to it. I don’t have an issue with that but I still wouldn’t date someone who does it.”

The user added:

“It’s the caregiver aspect that freaks me out. The trauma-based versions will have a caregiver who acts as a parental role to help the ‘little’ feel protected. But [the] majority of the time it’s the romantic partner.”

Ummm, it’s the WHOLE idea of it that freaks us out!! We don’t want to kink-shame anyone, but at the same time, this feels a little too close to… well, you know. And other commenters were icked out, too:

“Baby clothes? How does that work? I’m confused. Where would he get baby clothes that would fit him? It’s disgusting.”

“It’s wrong. I don’t care if that’s me kink-shaming but it’s gross and whoever condones it is a pervert”

“To each their own, but that would be a hard pass for me”

“I would run. I hate age play and think it’s a disgusting kink as it sexualises children.”

“The first thing I’d do is run for the hills. I’d tell them to seek therapy in the nicest way possible.”

Yeah…We think the hills would be looking pretty nice if we were in her position!

Like the poor GF, this isn’t a fetish we can get our heads around either! What should she do? What would YOU do if your partner was into this? Thoughts, Perezcious readers??

[Images via Sony Pictures Releasing/Netflix]

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Jun 19, 2024 16:48pm PDT