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Young Boy With Cancer Becomes Detroit's Police Chief For A Day! He Needs To Be Besties With BatKid!

A young boy with cancer became Detroit's police chief for a day!
What young child dreams of having one of the most stressful jobs in America?
That’s exactly what Jayvon Felton, a cancer-stricken 9-year-old boy, was dreaming of – He wanted to be the police chief of Detroit.
Well, that’s exactly what happened on Friday when Jayvon (fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia) was picked up by a police cruiser early one morning.
He was wearing a tiny S.W.A.T. uniform as he was eventually flown by helicopter to meet the real police chief James Craig, who swore him into office.
Jayvon was super excited about everything, being a big fan of law enforcement. His mom said:

“When he was little, he always talked about the police, how they make things safe. He told me, ‘Mom, when I get older I want to fight crime and help people.'”

His momma must be so super proud of him!
He’s a strong little guy and now he gets a chance to clean up the streets of Detroit!
Current chief Craig said:

“I can only imagine the strength and courage it takes for this young man, police chief, to fight this illness every day. It is with this fortitude and courage that humbles even the most hardened police officers and reminds us of why we do what we do every day and how important every precious moment is.”

So amazing that these cops took time out of their super busy schedules to make a dream come true for one lucky little dude.
The best ending to this whole story? Jayvon’s prognosis is good so it’s a positive outlook for this young boy!
Woo! Kick cancer’s ass!!
P.S. Between Jayvon and BatKid, we’re becoming more and more inspired by the young children of America!!! THE TEARS ARE FLOWING!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Feb 03, 2014 13:27pm PDT