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Drugs Are Bad


Travis McCoy is opening up about his drug addiction and attempts at getting clean.

The Gym Class Heroes MC posted the following frank entry on his official blog about his time in a detox program and what prompted him to get sober.

Hopefully this will help some of you out there!

Says Travis:

Baby I’m a blur…… So i’ve had a little time on my hands lately. Recovering from a relatively new procedure that cleans your opiate receptors and basically gives you a new beginning. I feel like a layer of shit as been peeled off of my brain. I’m sure alot of you who really pay attention to our music know that i’ve been addicted to pharmaceuticals since I was 15 years old. This is my second stint in a detox program, the first was right before we signed to FBR and it really didn’t help much. Meeting after meeting i still had a thirst, a death wish. Fuck it, it is what it is. You’re probably asking yourself why is he spilling his guts on the inter-web?? Well the truth of the matter is, I felt an enormous amount of guilt for glorifying drug use in our music, I never talked about getting fucked up in song to sound cool or to gain points. It WAS my life, day in day out, its how I coped with everything. The death of my cousin(R.I.P Isaiah) this past year did it for me, I dove in face first and began killing myself slowly. Then people started dropping like flies all around me, friends, Heath, Pimp C, etc., etc. Still, I was selfish and thought I was invincible, as we all do. I realized something, I gave myself an expiration date, a self fullfilled destiny I was certain to make true. For some retarded reason I never thought i’d make it past 27. Well, it’s nearing and I’m still here, and I have no plans to leave anytime soon. There are only a few people I hold dearly that know I even went through with this, of course the world knows now, but to all my friends, family, management, fans I love you all immensely and to anyone else struggling with this shit, it is conquerable, you can beat it. All kinds of things were pulling at me before I boarded the plane for the hospital. Will I still be cool drug free? Will I lose my edge? Will my writing suffer? Will my friends think I’m lame? Will I still be a fun guy or a vegetable? Guess what?!?! I feel like Wolverine out this motherfucker,uh, whatever that means. I’m a little weak and achy but every hour that passes I feel more and more like me. The me i havn’t seen in 10 years. There is no instruction manual to this lifestyle, the road, the cameras, the press(good or bad), the expectations, the pressure, it’s enough to make an ox buckle at the knees mid-charge. I’ve always rolled with the punches, I’m throwing them now. If it means anything , any of this, just don’t be selfish, live for yourself but know your life is directly connected and important to anyone who loves or cares for you, I can count with 2 hands how many friends i’ve lost to drugs, I don’t want to start using toes.

De Jesus H. Christ that felt good. There you have it, that what’s been eating Gilbert Grape. For more information on The Waisman Method check out this website . I’m not seeking sympathy just empathy. It was really hard for me to type all of this but if it helps a couple of you out with some problems, I’m stoked. I’m not the preachy holier than thou type of dude so don’t expect any anti drug rants at our shows or me putting x’s on my hands(no disrespect to my SxE compadres)YOU DO YOU, Im’a DO ME. “THE QUILT” is coming!! RUN FOR COMFORT!!!!! Until then here’s another “QUILTEASER”…btw Click That pitiful picture of me above for a little treat, something you’ve been waiting for for a while…enjoy!! JJ and Dan You’re GENIUSES, KNOW THAT!!

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Mar 10, 2008 10:00am PDT

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