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10 Health Tips For 2013: Mind Your Skin!

10-tips-new-years-skin safety
Everyone makes a New Year’s resolution to be healthier, but precious few actually follow through on it!
But what if there were simple ways you could improve your health?
Dietician Julieanna Hever says there are, and she has ten amazing tips for staying healthy in 2013!
Here’s one!

Slather your skin safely.
Your skin is your largest organ of the body, working to protect your insides from foreign invaders. Slowly switch out all of your skincare (and hair) products so they are free of any harmful chemicals like: phthalates, parabens, PEG, petroleum, triclosan, fragrances, artificial colors, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, sodium methyl sulfate, preservatives, and silicone. Replace them with pure, natural, chemical-free versions to support your skin.

Check back with us every day for the rest of the year for more of the 10 Great Health Tips for 2013! Special thanks to Julieanna Hever!
Follow her on Twitter HERE and pick up her rad-as-hell book HERE!!!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Jan 02, 2013 09:29am PDT

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