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Stylish Resolutions For 2013!

Out with the old, in with the new!
As we enter 2013 it’s time to make our annual resolutions and to get you started, Natalia Fedner has come up with not one, but ten fashionable ones for the new year!
Here’s how to make 2013 even more fabulous than 2012:

1. Sweatpants, no matter how expensive or bedazzled, are for the home and for the gym – I will not where them anywhere else.
2. Size Doesn’t Matter. What does matter is how it fits/looks. I will buy clothing that fits my body well, regardless of what the tag says.
3. I will get rid of 10 things from my closet (that have not been worn/used in the last year) and donate them to Goodwill or another charity. (Maker room for new goodies!)
4. I will make sure my yoga pants are not see-through when I bend over BEFORE going to the gym.
5. I will always have safety pins in my purse / bag / wallet. They are fashion lifesavers and must be treated as such.
6. I will wear less black (and stand out more).
7. I will not wear peplum garments unless I have no hips or am a professional model who gets paid to wear peplum.
8. I will not wear clothing that no longer fits (i.e. too tight), no matter how cute it is or how much I love it. Instead, I will upcycle it into something new.
9. I will take fashion risks and try new brands / garments. (“It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all.”)
10. Nothing is more fashionable than care – I will care where my clothes come from, what they’re made of, and who made them.

And of course, remember to watch more of Natalia’s tutorials to learn how to fix / make / upcycle my own clothes / accessories and spend less ca$$$h!
What are your fashionable resolutions for 2013??? Tell us (below)!

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Jan 02, 2013 09:30am PDT