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50 Shades Of Grey

Dakota Johnson And Jamie Dornan Claw At Each Other On The Cover Of Glamour! Sizzle!

Dakota and Jamie cuddle for Glamour magazine.
Hey, Vogue, take notes!
THIS is how a 50 Shades of Grey cover should look!
Glamour magazine did right by putting both Dakota Johnson AND Jamie Dornan on the cover of their March issue to promote the upcoming movie.
[ Related: The 50 Shades Cast Hasn’t Seen The Movie Yet ]
They look so hot together! Eeeeeek! Hello, Jamie’s biceps!
And they talk about the movie! And the sex scenes!
Jamie admits shooting the more intimate stuff could be awkward at times:

“Some of the Red Room stuff was very uncomfortable. There were times I had to do stuff to [Dakota] that I’d never choose to do to a woman. I’ve never had an onscreen relationship as intense with another actress. We respect and trust each other.”

While Dakota added:

“It’s stressful enough to be tied to a bed naked in a scene. But then they call cut, and you’re still tied to the bed, naked. I got whiplash once from [Jamie] throwing me on the bed.”

Still, Jamie was respectful and thoughtful during the entire process, Dakota says:

“Jamie would be the first person to throw a blanket over me.”

Awww, you guys!!! That’s so sweet!
Playing Anastasia Steele also gave Dakota more insight into the character. She says:

“I completely disagree with people who think Ana’s weak. I think she’s stronger than [Christian] is. Everything she does is her choice. And if I can be an advocate for women to do what they want with their bodies and not be ashamed of what they want, then I’m all for that.”

Check out the full spread in the gallery (above)!
*writhing on the floor in anticipation*
[Image via Glamour Magazine.]

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Jan 29, 2015 14:37pm PDT