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Celebrity Feuds

Lance vs. Reichen's Bitter War of Words


Living up to his status as a royal douche, Z-lister Reichen is making legal threats against ex-boyfriend Lance Bass.

Seems like the Ken Doll lookalike with plastic brains is upset that Princess Frostylocks wrote about him and their troubled relationship in his new autobiography, Out Of Sync.

Trying to make himself look better, Reichen just wrote this post on his official MySpace blog, which just makes him look much much worse.


He says:

“Thursday, November 15, 2007

Star Magazine and The National Enquirer (Reichen) Lawyer Articles

In response to all of the MySpace email I am receiving surrounding this matter…

Please do not take literally the stories running this week in these particular magazines about me and my ex-relationship.  No one is suing anyone, and all is well.

I chose to NOT fight back against the slander, fed to the media by my ex-relationship, by using my own gift of a voice in the media, as a way to air my own many and very strong personal feelings about my past relationship.  

Instead, my representation, in an act of concern, simply sent an appropriate letter to those responsible, asking that attempts to paint me in a negative light with blatant and unnecessary lies and deceit, please stop.  It ends there.  Nothing else is happening.      

The request is simple.  It is my wish that my ex-relationship discontinue referring to me in the media in association with expressing his personal feelings about me, that he discontinue attacking my current relationship(s) in the print-media and, more than anything, that all events, including the drama surrounding them, from that year of my life, simply go away.  I choose to no longer pay attention to it.  

These and various previous slanderous remarks about me are invalid, false, and meant for damage, and are being used in an attempt to sway public opinion in the favor of another’s image in an unfair way.├é┬á├é┬áI prefer to no longer be a part of these attemps.├é┬á├é┬áI prefer to be removed from any such plan to promote another.├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á

For my own peace of mind, this is a time that I would like to forget ever happened.

The relationship in question, and the drama that surrounded it, destroyed much of what I have worked to accomplish and stand for, what I’ve worked to be associated with, and how I am viewed as an individual.├é┬á├é┬áI could have never imagined the severity of damage such a relationship would inflict on me and those around me.├é┬á├é┬áIt is up to me to ask that efforts to continue this type of negative impact on my life discontinue, which is what I have done, through my representation.├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á

My final wish, surrounding this matter, from an overall outside perspective, is that I am no longer associated with this ex-relationship or the people involved in prolonging its existence, and that I’m no longer associated with that time of my life, in general.├é┬á├é┬áI do, however, continue to wish all those involved–the very best in their own lives, away from mine.├é┬á├é┬á

I stood as my own person before all of it (when I was not considered “so-and-so’s boyfriend”), and will be much happier to be considered, and to consider myself, someone who stands on his own, once again.├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á├é┬á

Thank you,


[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Nov 16, 2007 14:02pm PDT