Mimoo has just left one of her infamous voice messages on her official website, MariahCarey.com. Here is a transcript:
“Hello! I know I haven’t called you since 1802. Actually, I haven’t called anyone. I’ve been really, really busy and when I do get free time, I’m on vocal rest so I can like get back in the studio for 20 billion hours. So everybody’s mad at me but whatever (laughs). I did get a couple of days of vacation in Capri which was a stone groove and I was happy ’cause I haven’t been there since I was recording the Mimi record like three years ago. So that was nice for me.
Anyway, I was just sitting here and I was looking through some fan books and like letters and stuff that I’ve gotten from you guys over the years and I was like, you know, reminiscing and just realizing how stellar you are and how funny. Some of you guys are stone comedians you do know this, right? (laughs). So funny you are and how happy you make me and I decided that I needed to give you a nice call to check in and tell you that everything is flantastic.
Let’s see what’s going on. I’m not allowed to talk about Tennessee because they want the performance to speak for itself and everything like that but that is obviously something that I’m excited about. What can I talk about? Let’s think. I’m very, very, very excited about how the fragrance came out. Remember I was telling you that it was like I had so much fun you know working on it and stuff like that and so it’s really, I’m very looking forward to seeing how you guys like it, should be in stores by September and hopefully you like it as much as I do.
And yeah, last but not least, the nice songs that I’ve been working on, I quite enjoy them. I’ve written my 10th so far and like about…and I guess I’m going to Atlanta next week to work with JD so that should be a stone groove/hit wonder or at least a stone groove, hopefully (laughs). But that’s about it. I’m trying to get the record out this year so I’m gonna be holed up in the studio for like the next few months and I will see you when I’m done. Also, the other bleakness is my trainer is living with me and it’s bleak because I can’t eat anything good and she makes me workout after I’ve been in the studio for like 80 trillion hours but whatever. We love her, and we love everybody.
So I will check in again but please don’t take it personally if it’s like a little bit sporadic because it’s just because I’m working and I’m trying hard to get the nice album out by the end of this year. That is the goal. So I’m gonna wrap it up now but I love you as always. Love you, appreciate you, and I enjoy you and I will chat with you soon. Bye!”
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]
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