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Alice Evans TERRIFIED Ioan Gruffudd Will Win Full Custody Of Their Daughters

Alice Evans Ioan Gruffudd Custody Battle Twitter

By now you’ve probably heard Alice Evans‘ story.

Way back in January she first opened up on social media about how her husband, Ioan Gruffudd — you know, Mr. Fantastic from the really bad Fantastic Four movie — had abandoned her and their two daughters after 13 years of marriage and 20 total together.

Then late last month she learned he’d gone Instagram official with an actress 20 years younger from his TV show. And she believes he specifically unblocked her just so she could see the milestone in the worst way possible! Along with that gut punch was the unsettling question of just how long this relationship had been going on, and whether an on-set affair had led to his sudden lack of interest in his wife and kids.

Photo: How Alice Gut Punched People Who Wished Ioan & His ‘Mistress’ Well

While she’s still reeling, it seems Ioan and Bianca Wallace — who has apparently been liking pics of the kids on IG for a while — have been planning.

Alice mentioned during her Lorraine interview that somehow, against all odds, Ioan was apparently gunning for full custody of the kids she says he barely speaks to. She explained:

“Divorce lawyers in America are terrifying people… It’s much more scary than I would have thought, and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stay here in the house or how much I’m going to be able to have the girls.”

Yes, even though he left and barely speaks to the girls, at least according to Alice, he could win custody. Now the Vampire Diaries alum is opening up more about how that could happen. In a Twitter thread, she linked to the UN Committee for the Rights of a Child, praising their “main four points”:

Best interests of the child Children. …
The right to survival and development. …
The views of the child.

Amazing… EXCEPT… there is only one UN nation that has not yet ratified the UNCRC. The United States of America. Why? Well we don’t know. Although, I have come across some of the most corrupt and cruel dealings with children in my entire life since being served for divorce.”

OMG, that sounds awful! More on the specifics of those “corrupt and cruel dealings” later…

She continued:

“Did you know that USA is the only place that a 12 year old is not allowed to stand up in court say what he/she thinks about where they would like to live, with whom? Instead, divorce lawyers have invented parental alienation, where kids are not believed + clever lawyers win”

That is particularly relevant for Alice, who shares a 12-year-old named Ella with Ioan. She explained the disturbing situation her ex is putting them in:

“I am being set up as a ‘parental alienator’ by my husband’s lawyers. Now I’m not being funny, but my eldest loves me almost as much as her dog! I don’t say antyihg [sic] to her about him. When she cries, cos he’s sent her a not too nice text, I try to hug her without chiming in.”

She then spoke about how her youngest, 8-year-old Elsie, had been a trooper about visiting her father and his new girlfriend despite the place not having the comforts of her real home:

“I felt very proud of her UNTIL…. I told her she was a true diplomat and that was a special quality and never to change…. I’m not sure how much she understood of that but her response broke my f**king heart:

I know, and guess what? If I go to Daddies house and do everything he says then he will come back to you again and we’ll have the happy family we use to have”

No. Oh no. Alice has said her ex was gaslighting the kids, keeping things from them, apparently to avoid making himself look bad. That he lied to them about having a new GF. Has he really made her think the marriage isn’t really over?

The poor momma reiterated that Elsie “came home in tears” after seeing the IG post unveiling the relationship — what she calls her “husband’s mastermind PR idea” — because it “went against everything he had ever told her.”

And yet he could still get custody because, Alice says, “the SYSTEM is corrupt.” She continued:

“All this to say that if we go to court, my kids won’t be able to tell how they much prefer being with me than their father of COURSE they need a relationship with him – but NOW is not the time, given the nature of his relationship. However I will be judged, perhaps as an unsuitable parent. And do you know why? Because I’ve dared to aired my hurt, my anger and my desperation on twitter.”

So that’s what’s going on? He’s going to try to convince a court she’s being hysterical for sharing her feelings about being mistreated and left for a younger woman? Well, that is some BS right there!

Thankfully she’s not giving in. She concludes:


…before asking for support because, she warns, “It could happen to you.”


And if you think this is all in her mind, listen up! She says they’ve already ” had an initial child ‘therapist/evaluator'” for her eldest daughter. She says Ella didn’t want to go:

“So Ioan’s lawyer send mt a threat that if Ella didn’t comply Ioan would take up to court to FORCE her to.”

Frightened, they gave in. But Alice says:

“The woman was in the pocket of Ioan’s lawyer. Very common.”

Again, very, very scary stuff.

[Image via Alice Evans/Instagram.]

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Nov 17, 2021 06:17am PDT