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Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes Admits To Having Nose Job! Did "The Most Amazing Thing" For Her Confidence!

amanda bynes nose job
Could this really be the reason she’s demanding that the media only use her selfies?!
Apparently so, according to Amanda Bynes!
The troubled actress is reportedly back in contact with her parents, but that still hasn’t stopped her from getting up to her old tricks on Twitter…AKA scolding media outlets that use old photos of her for their articles!
Only this time, she’s not claiming it’s due to her eating disorder…it’s because she had a nose job, and doesn’t like the world seeing what she calls the “webbing” between her eyes that she has since had removed!
She explains:

Intouch used a photo from years ago on their cover and I hate it! The reason I’ve asked all magazines and blogs to stop using old photos of me is I don’t look like that anymore! I had a nose job to remove skin that was like a webbing in between my eyes. I wasn’t going to tell anyone, but I look so much prettier in my new photos that I don’t want old photos used anymore! I’m so sick of magazines and blogs using old photos! When will they stop? I will never look like that again! Having surgery was the most amazing thing for my confidence!

And there you have it!
While we don’t like hearing how such a naturally pretty girl like Amanda seems to struggle with so many self-image issues, we’re glad that the surgery has at least helped her feel more comfortable in her own skin!
We’re thinking of you, gurl! Hope everything is going well!
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!
[Image via Twitter.]

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May 05, 2013 14:24pm PDT

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