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American Horror Story's Sarah Paulson Opens Up About Having SEX With SNAKES!

Sarah Paulson opens up on having sex with snakes! Ew!
American Horror Story’s Sarah Paulson is one seriously brave lady!!
She needed real courage to be on AHS in the first place because that show is terrifying!!
But she also had to face her real fear… snakes!!
Worst part? She had to have them crawling all over her while she was filming an intense sex scene!
Sarah told a little bit about what it was all like in an interview with Vulture:

The other maybe scary thing you’ve had to do is have sex while snakes writhed around your body. I read that you really bonded with those snakes.

My mother of course wrote to me after she read that and was like, “Are you my child? Is this her?” Because I’m one of those people who is afraid of sharks and bees and everything. I’m a fearful person when it comes to creatures. I’m not real down with them. So the idea that I would spend the day on a set with a bunch of snakes and by the end of it wish I had one was a pretty marked change.
This sounds very actress-y and stupid but it’s true, if you’re committed to doing something in the moment, you’re gonna go balls out. You’re gonna go for it and not be afraid. In that moment, Cordelia was wanting something so desperately. I just decided, How can I be afraid of this thing that I’m trying to use to help fertilize my fucking eggs? I gotta go there. Also, we were filming it on a Saturday and everyone was tired, and I didn’t want to be that girl who’s like [whines], “No! Get that creepy, gross snake away from me.” So I just wrapped that thing around my neck. There were things they didn’t even use. I hope Ryan puts it on the DVD. There were a couple of takes where that snake had its tongue in my mouth. I just let it do it. It was like Sssss … and that tongue came right up in my face. It’s crazy. They’re very beautiful and strong. It was sexy. I just kinda got into it.
The sexy way they├óΓé¼Γäóre trying to choke the life out of your leg…

Yeah! I was like, “This is fucking hot.” I was so into it. I couldn’t help it. But I’m not gonna lie. Tequila was involved. I had to have some tequila. I mean, not only are you simulating sexual acts, then you add in a bunch of snakes. Jessica Lange also decided to tell me a story that day. This is a very Jessica thing to do. She was leaving the set and I was staying to do the snake stuff and she goes, “Don’t let that snake near your face. I was in a pet store once where someone was holding a quote-unquote nice snake, and the snake reached up and bit the shit out of that person’s face.” I said, “Thanks a lot, mom,” and she goes, “Have fun!” I thinking she was feeling particularly Fiona-ish, like, “Have fun, sucker.”
I love that you call her mom.

Sometimes I do. I went, “Okay, mom. Peace out. See you later! Gonna go have sex with my husband and some snakes!”

Ha! That whole thing is just ridiculous!!
We’re so amazed she got through the whole scene without freaking out and causing the snakes to bite her face!
Then the crew would’ve gathered around her lifeless body, chanting: “Her name was Sarah Paulson. Her name was Sarah Paulson.”
Though we guess her death wouldn’t be worth an obscure Fight Club reference. LOLz!
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 14, 2013 17:01pm PDT

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