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Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie's Topless, Post-Mastectomy Painting Will Be Sold For Charity!

angelina jolie topless portrait to be sold for charity
Angelina Jolie‘s double mastectomy CONTINUES to help others, but not in the way you might be thinking!
Swedish artist Johan Andersson has recently unveiled a painting he did depicting the actress posing topless just weeks after her surgery!
Although some people seem to find the beautiful piece of art controversial, the painter says this piece was very personal for him:

“My Mother had aggressive breastcancer when I was 15, the thought of her having to have a mesectomy really scared me and she was fortunate enough to have surgery without the masectomy. The recent news about Angelina stirred an anxiety within me leading me to paint this portrait.”

Johan is now saying that he plans on putting his painting to good use, as he will be selling it for charity!
All of the proceeds will go towards the Falling Whistles campaign for peace in the Congo, a project that is very close to Angelina’s heart. It’s reported that the portrait is expected to bring in around $22,000!
We have to give Johan some MAJOR props here! Not only did he create a beautiful piece of art, but he managed to use it to help out others!
[Image via ARTBELOW/Mavrix Online.]

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May 25, 2013 11:58am PDT

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