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Anna Duggar Accused Of Manipulating Pastor's Widow Into Writing Letter For Josh At Child Porn Sentencing

Anna Duggar Slammed For 'Manipulation' Of Pastor's Widow Into Writing Letter For Josh At Child Porn Sentencing

Josh Duggar‘s wife Anna is being accused of “manipulation” by getting the Duggar family pastor’s widow to write a letter to the judge prior to the disgraced reality TV star’s prison sentence on child porn charges.

As we’ve been reporting, Anna and Josh’s mom, Michelle Duggar, were the only two immediate family members to write letters of support for the Arkansas man before he was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison for receiving and possessing child pornography. However, at least one other person outside of Josh’s family wrote a letter to Judge Timothy L. Brooks on Josh’s behalf, too: Denise Wilson, the widow of the Duggar family’s late pastor.

And now, Wilson’s children are irate over her public support of the former 19 Kids and Counting star.

Related: Josh’s Lawyers OBJECTED To Him Being Banned From Porn?!

According to The Sun, in her letter to the judge, Wilson called the 34-year-old child porn possessor “humble and accountable” and said he had “a servant’s heart.”

Denise, who is the widow of the Duggar fam’s late faith leader, added:

“Josh told me he and Anna were going to support me and my family monthly to keep up my finances. When he told me how much it would be. I was shocked. It was a gracious amount. Josh acted as if it was just a natural thing to do. He told me ‘We’re just doing what the Bible says… to have pure religion is to visit the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction.’ … I saw Josh is a loving husband to Anna respecting her and serving her. I saw his devotion to his children by paying attention to their needs and encouraging them to live right.”


That letter obviously didn’t sway Judge Brooks too much, as he handed down Josh’s 12-year-long prison sentence soon after receiving the missive — but it’s already causing a LOT of controversy in northwest Arkansas.

Now, Denise’s son-in-law James Weeks has taken to Facebook to disavow his mother-in-law’s apparent support of the disgraced Duggar family. In a post penned on the social media app, Weeks asserted that Denise’s letter to the judge only came about “under the manipulation of Anna Duggar.”

He explained his opinion on that claim:

“News coverage of Josh Duggar’s sentencing today revealed that my mother-in-law, under the manipulation of Anna Duggar, wrote a letter to the judge asking for leniency in the sentencing of Josh’s child pornography case. Neither I nor my wife knew she was planning to do so and I feel that our position should be made abundantly clear. My wife and I are in no way in favor of leniency or mercy towards any pedophile.”


And he added more, explaining that he and his wife, Rachel, rejected the contents of the letter written by her mother:

“Status as a family member, former friendship, past good deeds, nor any other factor should be of consideration when dealing with such. We disavow the letter that was written by [Denise] and find any defense of such a person reprehensible.”

Rachel herself also posted a social media message on the matter, according to The Sun. In it, she accused Josh of “obscene levels of brainwashing” and lamented how he’d succeeded in so many ways, and for so many years:

“[Josh was] working to make sure he looked like the perfect Christian man to everyone around him. … Thanks to obscene levels of brainwashing, he succeeded with hundreds of people.”

Denise’s other daughter, Lana, also agreed with her sister’s assessment about the apparent deception, adding:

“Some of the Duggars and their friends, including my mother, have been deceived into thinking that he is somehow innocent and wrongly accused.”


Talk about a family taking a united front against their mom after she apparently went rogue and fired off a letter in support of a convicted child porn criminal. And it’s all supposedly because of Anna’s “manipulation”?! Jeez…

Are U buying that, Perezcious readers? Sound OFF with your take on the matter down in the comments (below)…

[Image via 40/29 News/YouTube/Anna Duggar/Instagram]

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Jun 01, 2022 07:00am PDT