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The World's Most Deadly Annoying Bird To Taking Over America!

On this week’s episode of Nature Kills Us All, we have…Great-Tailed Grackle Birds.
Yep…your impending doom will be coming from a bird! LOLz!
These pesky birds are like roaches…as they follow the rules of devastation:
They’re hard to kill, they’re hard to scare, and they come in HUGE numbers!!!!
Also known as the devil bird (told ya!) the grackle has been invading the states and crops with a vengeance.
They die hard with a vengeance???? SOMEONE CALL BRUCE WILLIS!!!
Workers in the Southwest have tried LOUD air horns, thousands of explosives, but nothing works.
And guess what…they are spreading throughout the north and west too….
We’re goners….between jellyfish taking over the ocean and squid crawling on our beaches…nature is out to get us!

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Jan 07, 2013 18:01pm PDT

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