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Bachelor Peter Weber Dishes Out Breakup Advice To A Heartbroken Fan -- Oh, The Irony!

Peter Weber gives out breakup advice to fans on Instagram.

The new poster child for bad breakups is speaking out so listen up carefully!!

During an impromptu Instagram Q&A session on Sunday, Peter Weber used his massive platform to connect with fans and answer all of their burning questions about his life, relationships, and recent time on The Bachelor. After wrapping up his season with two failed relationships and enough bad press to go into hiding for the foreseeable future, this candid little check-in was much needed!

Related: Colton Underwood Feels Bad For Peter After His ‘Bachelor’ Breakups!

The open conversation touched on everything from the 28-year-old’s post-show plans to his favorite travel destinations to his biggest regrets and accomplishments. Pilot Pete answered them all, including one user’s request for advice to get over a major heartbreak. The anonymous fan asked:

“Advice for someone who was just broken up with out of a 3 year relationship?”

To which, Weber responded:

“Breakups are supposed to hurt. But I believe things happen for a reason and you’re one step closer to your person now. You should never want to be with someone that doesn’t want you back the same way.”

Ohhh, you don’t say?? See the reply over a pensive shot of himself (below):

Peter Weber gives a fan breakup advice on his Instagram Q&A session.
(c) Peter Weber/Instagram Story

We can’t help but wonder if his exes Madison Prewett and Hannah Ann Sluss co-sign this answer because the irony here is too much to ignore! On one hand, Peter is totally right; breakups do usually hurt and show people the reasons why they’re not meant to work out, whether it’s temporary or indefinitely. And of course, it’s unwise to be involved with someone who doesn’t return the same feelings you have. We hate to kill the messenger here but maybe Pete should’ve followed his own advice?!

Sure, both of his breakups with Madison happened for a reason and besides the fact they held different core beliefs, we’re sure his outspoken family could’ve come up a million more.

The split with Hannah Ann happened for a reason, too, except it was because HE couldn’t fully give HER 100 percent of his heart after their engagement. It was painfully obvious Pete’s heart still belonged to Madison when he prosed to the 23-year-old model.

These are caveats Weber knew (but possibly did not fully understand) before making the decisions he did during the finale and not only did it not bring him closer to his “person” but it also broke many hearts in the process. Unnecessarily, many would argue!

Related: Hannah Ann & Madison Exchange Friendly IG Comments After ‘The Bachelor’!

It’s a good thing both ladies seem to be bouncing back well after dating the ABC star. As for Pete, he’s clearly trying to put his heartbreak knowledge to good use, but again, take this advice yourself, dude! In other related happy news, the former Bachelor revealed plans to move out on his own in either LA or New York City for “about a year.” Sorry, Barbara and Peter Sr.!

Peter Weber reveals plans to move out of his parents' house.
(c) Peter Weber/Instagram Story

It’s unclear when he’ll be leaving the nest, but Pete’s parents had some fun with the idea in a later snap where his dad could be heard saying, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” and his mom adding, “We’re empty nesters”! As you’re likely aware, everyone is staying put due to the coronavirus outbreak so this much-needed form of social distancing (for his love life’s sake!) probably won’t be happening anytime soon.

In the meantime, chin up and do better, Peter!

[Image via WENN/Avalon]

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Mar 24, 2020 06:17am PDT