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'Bad Breath Rapist' Arrested After 16 Years On The Run -- Girlfriend He Lived With For More Than A Decade Had NO IDEA Who He Was!

'Bad Breath Rapist' Arrested After 16 Years -- Girlfriend He Lived With Had No Idea!

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

A violent criminal has FINALLY been arrested 16 years after his conviction. And as it turned out, he’s been living among us this whole time!

In 2005, Tuen Kit Lee broke into a co-worker’s Massachusetts home, tied her to a bed, and raped her while wearing a ski mask in attempt to shield his identity. But unbelievably, the woman was able to identify him because of the foul stench of his breath, which she clearly had picked up on while working together. His identity was later confirmed as a match in a subsequent DNA test and he was dubbed the “Bad Breath Rapist,” according to the Massachusetts State Police. He was officially convicted of rape and kidnapping in 2007, according to the US Marshals Service, but it was too late — he had already fled the state after posting a $100,000 cash bail. And for the past 16 years, he’s been living without a trace… But crime doesn’t pay and the consequences always catch up!

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According to a press release issued by the MSP, Tuen was arrested in California in a joint effort between VFAS Metro, the United States Marshals Service Boston, Quincy PD and the Pacific Southwest Regional Fugitive Task Force of Northern California on Tuesday. Apparently, MSP investigators learned of a fugitive living in Diablo in a multi-million dollar home owned by a female flower shop owner — AKA, the girlfriend he’s been with for 15 of the 16 years he’s been on the run! Social media photos helped to further identify Tuen, and on Tuesday, Danville Police Department officers pulled the convict and his girlfriend over in a traffic stop after surveilling their residence. Tuen reportedly gave a fake name at first, but eventually confessed his real name which is associated with his crime. Subsequent fingerprinting confirmed his identity.


He’s now being held at the Danville Police Department as he awaits transportation back to Massachusetts, where he was facing a life sentence in his conviction 16 years ago.

How WILD that he’s just been living a normal life under the radar all these years… even deceiving his longtime girlfriend! According to the MSP, she had no clue of Tuen’s violent past and conviction! WTF! It’s not clear if he gave her the same fake name he tried to give the police at first, but that just sends chills down our spine… Ugh. That poor woman. We’re so glad to see him captured after all these years. See more (below):


If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence and would like to learn more about resources, consider checking out

[Image via Massachusetts State Police]

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May 30, 2024 13:33pm PDT