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British Teen Makes Small Fortune Helping Chinese Parents Name Their Babies!

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This is one mother of an idea!
A British teenager by the name of Beau Jessup is most likely the envy of all her friends right now.
No, she isn’t gaining international attention for her Instagram or Twitter or anything like that… she’s just casually making headlines for all the money she’s making from a Chinese baby-naming business she started!
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It definitely sounds a bit odd, but Jessup created the very successful website as a way to help parents name their newborns after being inspired by a trip she took to China.
The creative teen dished to Telegraph:

“When I went to China I kept being asked to name babies for my parent’s friends. They explained an English name is vital because you can’t use a Chinese name on email or a university application to the UK.
But I also heard lots of examples where people had chosen culturally inappropriate English names they’d heard from films or read online and realized there was an opportunity to help Chinese people get it right from the start. Being exposed to luxury items and things like Harry Potter, Disney films, and Lord of the Rings means they use those for reference. I once heard of someone called Gandalf and another called Cinderella.”

But the site does more than just give you a random name — in fact, they’re each picked based on positive personality traits! After parents/parents-to-be select a gender, they can choose five different traits that best describe their hopes they have for their baby! From there, the site produces a list of three names, along with their meanings as well as famous examples!
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As for HOW successful the site is… SpecialName has racked up 221,000 visitors since its launch eight months ago. So, at a cost of $1 to use the service, that means Beau has already made over $60k so far!
As for what Jessup might spend the money on, she explained:

“I have a target to reach which will allow me to pay for my University fees and writing the text for the site was really good practice for my Mandarin GCSE.”

What an inspiration!
No one really knows what the future holds, but it sure sounds like this entrepreneur has a bright tomorrow ahead of her!
[Image via Beau Jessup.]

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Sep 08, 2016 15:30pm PDT