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Black Friday Horror! Relive The Craziest Viral Moments From The Most Savage Day Of Sales!

The CRAZIEST Black Friday Viral Videos!

It’s time for a Thanksgiving tradition like no other: Black Friday, where shoppers brave cold temperatures all night long just so they can save eight bucks on a gaming console that’ll be obsolete by June.

Gotta love that American consumer capitalism, baby!!! (Fact check: you do not, in fact, have to love that American consumer capitalism, baby.)

Related: Black Friday Brawl Breaks Out At Pennsylvania Mall! WHOA!

To be fair, though, Black Friday looks like it’s going to be a little different this year, doesn’t it? The coronavirus pandemic is raging out of control and — hopefully — far more people will decide to stay home and shop online to help slow the spread of the virus.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t look back at the craziest Black Friday moments of years gone by!!! Just do us a favor and pledge to stay at home this time around, so COVID-19 can’t spread even further, and live vicariously through these CRAZY Black Friday situations until it’s safe to go back out in large groups!

So for now… ch-ch-check out some of the craziest Black Friday viral moments EVER (below)!

London Shoppers Trample Each Other For TVs

This footage, shot by The Telegraph, shows shoppers completely overwhelming the front lines at an Asda store in northwest London on Black Friday 2014. It’s no big deal until the first person falls, and then the next, and then the next… and all of a sudden this endless trample of bodies goes from goofy to potentially deadly! Things can turn SO quickly!

All Hell Breaks Loose At A Tennessee Walmart

This one truly has it all: (1) it’s at a Walmart, (2) it’s in the Deep South, (3) more than two groups/families are involved, (4) there are already people on the ground, (5) a store employee tries to square up at one point with a customer, and, for the cherry on top, (6) you can clearly hear a woman scream through tears in her thick southern drawl, “She hit me first!”

Wild Wisconsin Fight Leads To Two Arrests

This was a CRAZY fight at a Milwaukee-area mall in 2019, leading to one lost wig and at least two arrests. The best part of the video, though, is the older woman interviewed at 0:34 who says “this is why I don’t come to malls very often.” Wait, we know malls have their fair share of viral antics, but is this a regular occurrence at malls in Wisconsin or something?! What does this lady know about malls that we don’t?? LOLz!!

People See Red For Pink

This video of a Victoria’s Secret Black Friday sale in a Chattanooga mall went viral mostly due to the sheer terror on the poor employee’s face as she climbed onto a table to avoid being trampled by the crowd.

Stun Gun Girl Goes WAY Over The Top

This fight, from a Philadelphia-area mall on Black Friday 2013, escalated to another level when one of the participants whipped out a stun gun! Seriously?! A f**king stun gun?? Where do you think we are, Florida??

A Serious Scare In Tacoma

Shoppers in the Tacoma Mall in Washington State managed to get out of stores unscathed — only to run in fear from what they thought was an active shooter situation in the food court. It turned out to be a fight that escalated into gunfire, with one serious injury. Thankfully no injuries in the rush to get out… probably because all the kids are so accustomed to shooting drills these days, sadly…

Bad Behavior North Of The Border

Shout out to our Canadian neighbors who are usually poised, respectful, polite, and maybe a little too nice to us considering the antics that we put on down here south of the border. But as the Toronto Sun proved with this compilation clip published for Black Friday 2019, Canucks know how to throw down for the shopper’s holiday just as well as we do! Maybe there’s something to all those hockey fights?!

Florida Checks In Here, Too, Because Of Course

Just so you know, we’re mandated by law to include at least one Florida-related video in every viral list we publish. Don’t blame us, man, blame the law! Or blame Florida. But our hands are tied on this one!!! (And this wild Black Friday brawl took place at an unidentified mall in the Tampa Bay area in 2017. Yikes!)

Alabama Mall Brawl Shuts Down Black Friday Early!

Want to get Black Friday canceled? Because THIS is how you get Black Friday canceled — make the brawl SO big that the whole mall is just like, “f**k it, we give up” like this Alabama mall did during the 2017 holiday. Actually, come to think of it, this unconventional strategy would keep down the spread of coronavirus this season.. Hmmm…

…And Then There’s Utah! LOLz!

So polite. So simple. So… nice. Ahhh, Utah, keep on doing you. We’ll just call you the anti-Florida or something. Ha!!!

Seriously, though, what’d U think of all the crazy videos, Perezcious readers?!

Is Black Friday completely out of control, or what?? Seeing videos like this, would you EVER go back to a Black Friday sale again? Did U ever go before?!

Sound OFF with your reactions to all these clips and share other ones with us down in the comments (below)!

[Image via Salt Lake Tribune/YouTube]

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Nov 27, 2020 09:00am PDT