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Man Sues BMW For...His Erection?

BMW boner lawsuit
A 52-year-old man is suing BMW and a motorcycle seat company because he got a boner that lasted almost two years after a four-hour ride on the vehicle.
Henry Wolf alleges that the unwanted perpetual hard-on developed because of the configuration of the seat and the long motorcycle ride, so now he expects damages to cover lost wages, medical expenses and emotional distress.
The lawsuit claims that doctors told him the motorcycle and seat were directly responsible for 24/7 erection, a condition called priapism, but an associate professor of urology at the University of Miami says he’s never heard of such a thing.
Instead, the expert asserts that the uncomfortable and embarrassing condition is usually a side effect of medications like Viagra or antipsychotics. A permanent boner can also occur as complication of sickle cell anemia, but this would be the first time a motorcycle caused such a powerful erection (except for peeps with object sexuality).
Fortunately for poor Henry, the hard-on did eventually subside. Unfortunately for poor Henry, he hasn’t been able to get it back up since.
We honestly do feel for this guy and can’t even imagine what kind of emotional distress the condition caused, BUT we do question the validity of his lawsuit against the makers of his motorcycle and seat. It should be inneresting to see who wins the case though!

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May 03, 2012 18:30pm PDT

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