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New Legal Docs Reveal Disturbing Details That Nick Gordon Allegedly Drugged & Drowned Bobbi Kristina

New papers say Nick drugged and drowned Bobbi Kristina.
If this is true, this is just horrifying.
Back in June, Bobbi Kristina Brown‘s estate filed a $40 million lawsuit against her boyfriend Nick Gordon, alleging that he got really violent with her, and even stole money from her while she was in a coma.
But now, new legal documents describe disturbing details about what happened on January 31 — when BK was found unresponsive in her bathtub.
[ Related: Nick Paid His Respects To Bobbi Kristina At A Florida Beach ]
According to the lawyers for the late 22-year-old’s estate, Nick returned home from a night of partying with booze and drugs only hours before she was discovered.
The papers say the 25-year-old got really angry after watching camera footage, and began yelling at the aspiring singer, calling her nasty names and claiming she cheated on him.
The suit goes on to say that the two argued in multiple rooms of the Georgia home before Nick gave Bobbi a “toxic cocktail” that caused her to fall unconscious.
What’s worse is the attorney alleges that he then proceeded to drag her body to the bathroom, where he actually put her face-down in the water-filled tub.
After that, the files claim he went and laid in bed, rested his head on the ankle of a female guest and said:

“Now I want a pretty little white girl like you.”

So horrible. We really hope this isn’t true.
The suit says that someone found Bobbi Kristina about 15 minutes later, and when she was removed from the bathtub, one of her teeth was loose, which could corroborate with the suit’s claim that Nick “punched her in the face” and “knocked out a front tooth.”
The weird part is that the docs say police found a dustpan at the bottom of the tub.
After BK tragically passed away last month, it was reported that the police were going to investigate her death as a homicide, focusing on Nick as the prime suspect.
However, a preliminary autopsy showed no significant injuries or underlying cause of death, but it was also conducted about six months after the terrible incident, which is plenty of time for any superficial wounds to have healed.
While her estate is working to build a case against him, Nick remains adamant that he didn’t harm the daughter of Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston, and was reportedly recorded saying that he thinks she just did too many drugs that night, because she was stressed about the car accident she was in only days before.
Since the autopsy didn’t provide any proof of foul play, the District Attorney’s office is supposedly looking to press manslaughter charges, alleging that Nick provided Bobbi with drugs that morning.
However, in light of these new papers, we wonder if the DA will once again zero in on building a homicide case against him.
If that ends up happening, the case could be very interesting, since he’s being represented by Jose Baez, the same lawyer who defended Casey Anthony — the woman who was acquitted of the charges that said she allegedly murdered her 3-year-old daughter Caylee.
These new allegations are so awful. Our hearts are with all of Bobbi Kristina’s loved ones during this tough time.
[Image via D. Salters/WENN.]

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Aug 07, 2015 19:25pm PDT