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Brad Pitt May Come Back In World War Z Sequel!

world war z sequel
Brad Pitt may have a new career- saving his family from worldwide epidemics!
World War Z might be getting a sequel!
Based on a book made of multiple vignettes told in an “oral history,” the movie was originally planned as a trilogy.
And now that it’s seeing some solid box office return — nearly $112 million worldwide — Paramount has decided to raise those plans from the dead and start development on World War Z II!
But will Brad be back? We’re guessing if he survives this one, there’s no way the studio will let that moneymaking face get away!
Besides, Brad’s movie wife Mireille Enos said she’s already signed on for TWO more World War Z movies!
[Image via Paramount Pictures.]

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Jun 24, 2013 16:09pm PDT

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