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Is Bradley Cooper Leaving A Star Is Born In Favor Of Another Film?!

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Could Bradley Cooper be bowing out already?!
As you may recall, the actor had a tough enough time getting his remake of A Star is Born off the ground in the first place, having trouble landing a leading lady after not being able to afford Beyoncé.
However, after B.Coop secured Lady GaGa in the starring role, it seemed as though all systems were go with the Oscar-nominee’s directorial debut.
…But now it looks like the film might be in trouble again!
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That’s because according to Showbiz411, Cooper has suddenly expressed interest in a Sci-Fi adventure movie being set up to film later this year.
The film’s schedule — aiming to shoot in the winter months — would reportedly put the 41-year-old’s appearance in A Star Is Born into jeopardy! Uh oh!
When asked about the report by the site’s Roger Friedman, movie insiders simply responded by cryptically saying “rumors…” which Friedman contends was not exactly a denial.
The report adds that Brad Pitt is also eyeing the lead role for the yet-to-be-named Sci-Fi flick, which could also explain Cooper’s interest in the project.
Do YOU think A Star Is Born with be delivered with a different star??
[Image via Apega/WENN.]

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Sep 08, 2016 15:18pm PDT