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Late Night Addresses 'Secretive, Speedy, & Sketchy' FBI Investigation Into Brett Kavanaugh
In just five days, the FBI has completed their investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Related: The Presidential Alert WAS Terrifying
The White House has come out saying they found no corroborating evidence of sexual assault, despite not interviewing MULTIPLE people who said they had credible information.
As Jimmy Kimmel said in the video (above):

“It’s amazing how much you won’t find when you don’t look for it, it really is.”

Kavanaugh’s college roommate — who was also not interviewed by the FBI — even spoke out to Anderson Cooper, saying the SCOTUS nominee lied about his blackout drinking, vomiting from drinking, “Devil’s Triangle” meaning, and “boofing”.
We still believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Senators, who got very little time to review the investigation documents, are beginning to cast votes today, October 5.
Ch-ch-check out what the rest of late night had to say about the quickie FBI job (below):

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Oct 05, 2018 07:46am PDT