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Britney Spears

Britney Spears Shows Off New Haircut The Day Of Conservatorship Hearing


Someone’s got a new CUT!

On Wednesday, Britney Spears took to Instagram in a series of posts — her typical trio — showing off her new haircut. Beyond a new do, the Baby One More Time singer totally seems ready to ring in a healthier 2021. Here’s what she said in the post:

“Cut my hair. You know what they say …. out with the old …. in with the new !!!!! Now let us pray !!!!!

Ch-ch-check out the full pics below:

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Of course, we all know what Britney means here about praying. She posted the pics on the same date as her latest conservatorship court hearing. As the conservator, her father Jamie Spears has had control of Britney’s financial assets and health care since her very public mental breakdowns in 2008. And Brit’s been fighting to take back control for YEARS. Each time, however, the court has denied her request. Most recently, the judge even extended the conservatorship until February of 2021.

Ugh. Such a cray situation. We know how bad it’s sometimes been for her, but at a certain point shouldn’t she be able to have control of her own money AND health care again?!

Anyway, we’ll have to see how it plays out in court for her.

On a lighter note, many people commented on her IG posts showing their love and support. This included her BF Sam Asghari. He responded with:

“I love it

Well, at least someone seems to be there for her.

What do you all think? Given her history, should someone else have this sort of control? Or is it time to #FreeBritney and give her back the keys to her own kingdom?

[Image via Instagram.]

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Dec 17, 2020 06:17am PDT