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Cara Delevingne Gets Naked To Sell Some Lipstick

Cara gets half naked to shill lipstick.
A blazer and lipstick is all a girl really needs!
Observe Cara Delevingne advertising the truth of that statement in the latest campaign for Yves Saint Laurent‘s Rouge Por Couture. Tagline: “Rouge That Dresses Me.”
[ Related: Cara’s Rise To Fame Timeline ]
That sounds very high falutin’!
But if this particular lipstick really does take the place of clothes, then why does Cara even need to wear that blazer???
We would like the marketing execs at YSL to answer that, please.
The supermodel might have called modeling quits, but we’ll probably still see her in an ad or two now and then.
And if they’re anything like this one, we welcome them with open arms!
[Image via Yves Saint Laurent Beaute]

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Aug 25, 2015 14:15pm PDT