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A Cardiologist Reveals If Carrie Could Have Saved Big On And Just Like That…

A Cardiologist Reveals If Carrie Could Have Saved Big On And Just Like That…

Is Carrie Bradshaw to blame for Mr. Big’s untimely death?!

Sarah Jessica Parker’s character was almost as shocked as the rest of us when she walked into her NYC apartment during the premiere episode of the Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That…, to discover her husband was suffering from a heart attack. Rather than call for help, the two shared a longing glance at each other before she rushed to his aid and cradled him in her arms as he took his last breath.

It was dramatic and emotional AF — but was it also a fatal flaw on Carrie’s part? A cardiologist is breaking down THAT now-infamous scene and answering everyone’s burning question: could Carrie have saved Big?

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Speaking to E! News on Monday, Dr. Sion Roy, the past president of the LA County Medical Association, explained that while “it was a little unclear exactly what was going on because there was no real significant dialogue” in the scene, Carrie definitely should have “called 9-1-1, run over, try to figure out what was wrong while the emergency services were on the way.”

Also, the podcast host should have begun chest compressions when Big started to lose his pulse. While these actions may not have saved his life, they would have been a good start to give him his best chance at survival. And, y’know, make it look like someone wasn’t just accepting the death of their lover that easily. Even if Carrie had done all this, though, the doctor didn’t seem hopeful that it would have worked, explaining:

“More likely than not, if we take this scenario at face value, he was probably going to die regardless.”

A Cardiologist Reveals If Carrie Could Have Saved Big On And Just Like That…
Carrie and Big’s final moment together. / (c) HBO Max

What really stuck out to the cardiologist was Big’s unusual inability to move after he first felt chest pains. Dr. Roy thinks it would have been fairly easy for Chris Noth’s character to crawl across the floor to reach his fallen phone or even just grab the attention of someone else nearby (they’re in the Big Apple after all, not some deserted town). He added:

“Most heart attacks present with chest tightness, chest pains, and usually, though, people remain conscious [and] to some degree functional. And so I’m not sure why he wouldn’t be able to yell for Alexa or reach for, presumably, his waterproof iPhone and get it, because he clearly was conscious throughout that extended period of time.”

Unable to get over this plot detail, the medical professional also noted:

“It’s just hard to believe in this scenario, that you wouldn’t have found a way to call for some help in the middle of New York City.”

TBH, that’s a great point. Big had so long to try to get someone’s attention, too!

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Then, the doc straight-up called out the writers for messing up the effects of a heart attack, continuing:

“Usually a heart attack doesn’t render you to be immobile. Usually, your pain gets worse as you move, if you’re having a significant heart attack, but it doesn’t usually immobilize you.”

So even for a TV show that’s usually grounded in reality, Sion found “the whole thing” to be “a little unrealistic” — especially the timing of Carrie’s return home and Big’s cardiac arrest:

“She walked in, he had been having that chest pain for presumably an hour or something like that and then he collapsed or had his [cardiac] arrest right as she walked in, and it’s just sort of very coincidental.”

Yeah, you could say that again…

Looking back at that heartbreaking scene, it is kind of hard to believe Bradshaw didn’t call for help, especially since Big was awake when she first got home. But should fans hold a grudge? Probably not, the doctor mused:

“I will say walking into something like that, obviously, it can stun people and people do many different things. I don’t think you can blame somebody for what they do in that situation.”

Well, there you have it. Unfortunately, even with some unrealistic writing, it sounds like Big’s time was up, and neither Carrie nor Peloton should be at fault for that. Thoughts, Perezcious readers? Did any of the details about this scene bug you too? Let us know (below)!

[Image via HBO Max]

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Dec 14, 2021 09:00am PDT