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Halle Berry

Nick Jonas, Halle Berry, & Tom Hanks Are Just Three Of Many Celebs Who Live With Diabetes!

Tom Hanks diabetes

What do Nick JonasTom Hanks, and Halle Berry all have in common?

This isn’t the start to a bad “walk into the bar” joke… it’s for real! Did you know all three of those A-list superstars deal with diabetes on a daily basis? And they’re far from the only celebs living with that serious medical malady!

Related: Rob Kardashian Checked Himself Into Hospital For Diabetes Complications

Before he passed away, TV host Dick Clark counted himself among those who fought the blood glucose disease. And countless other high profile stars still alive today, manage their blood sugar and fight the disease with clean eating, healthy living, and a little bit of exercise.

Consider Hanks one of those cases. The Forrest Gump actor revealed he had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in an interview with David Letterman back in 2013. Slimmer than in previous years and noticeably more energetic, Hanks revealed he’d started to work much harder at taking care of himself in the hopes of being around for a while!

Interestingly, in Hanks’ case, doctors wonder if rapid weight changes may be partially to blame; the actor notoriously gained 30 pounds to play a baseball manager in A League Of Their Own, and then later lost 50 pounds in the infamous movie Cast Away. Rapid weight fluctuations can help fuel the disease.

Berry’s story is similar; after fainting one day on set years ago in her early twenties, the actress realized how physically exhausted she’d become seemingly overnight, and went looking for a cause. After being diagnosed with diabetes, she completely changed her lifestyle, and now claims it’s among the best things that has ever happened to her — because it got her back on track fully taking care of herself like she should’ve been all along!

Learning To Live With It!

Jonas, on the other hand, has type 1 diabetes, having been diagnosed with it when he was just 13 years old, and starting out in the entertainment industry. Fortunately, he learned early on how to manage his blood glucose levels and take care of himself — and now, the JoBros star is one of the millions of people who successfully manage the disease every day.

“I have full control of my day to day life with this disease, and I’m so grateful to my family and loved ones who have helped me every step of the way,” the singer wrote in an Instagram post about the disease last year. “I’m happy and healthy, prioritizing my physical health, working out and eating healthy and keeping my blood sugar in check.”

So great!!!

And hopefully more of these stars (below) can serve as inspiration to get your health on track and get back to doing your body some good!

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[Image via WENN]

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Dec 12, 2019 06:14am PDT