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Ridiculousness Star Chanel West Coast Arrested For Battery Outside LA Nightclub! Find Out What She Did To A COP & Others!

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Now THIS is Ridiculous!
MTV star Chanel West Coast was arrested outside of 1 Oak nightclub in LA on Tuesday night.
The 26-year-old allegedly got into a fight with a female attendee inside the popular hotspot and was kicked out.
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According to authorities, when the rapper got outside, she started fighting with security. Someone made a citizen’s arrest and she was held until law enforcement came.
As seen in a video of the ordeal, the Fantasy Factory personality allegedly kicked a cop who initially forgave the pint-sized diva UNTIL she punched him. That’s when authorities cuffed her and took her via police car to the station.
Throughout the incident, Miz West Coast’s friend was shouting at officers to let her go, claiming they didn’t read her Miranda rights.
At one point, the blonde even claimed innocence, saying how could someone who has “been on TV for 17 seasons” physically attack anyone.
Needless to say, her reasoning did NOT fly with the fuzz.
[Image via WENN.]

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Aug 05, 2015 11:01am PDT

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