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Charlie Called Denise From Jail!


Well technically he called to talk to their daughters, Sam and Lola, to wish them a Merry Christmas.

Denise Richards opened up to Oprah about her past and present relationship with ex-husband Charlie Sheen saying about his Christmas Day arrest, “It’s sad. It’s a sad situation. Their dad was in jail on Christmas.”

One of the girls learned that Charlie was in jail from a kindergarten classmate! How sad!

Denise continues:

├óΓé¼┼ôI think that Charlie has a very sharp tongue. He played on my insecurities…I was terrified and relieved that I had the courage to [file for divorce]. Our daughters didn’t ask to be born into our conflict. It was impossible to make [our marriage] work.

“Charlie and I are in a good place now. It’s taken a lot of work on our part.”

We think it’s very mature of them both to put their children ahead of themselves…we’ll see what happens with Charlie’s current wife Brooke Mueller and their twin sons Bob and Max!

[Image via Dimitri Halkidis / WENN.]

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Jan 26, 2010 20:00pm PDT