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Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen Corrected By Shotgun Company

Charlie Sheen Corrected By Shotgun Company
We’ve heard of someone calling shotgun, but shotgun responding??
When Charlie Sheen allegedly threatened an associate recently, it seems his mouth may have been writing checks his shotgun couldn’t cash! He reportedly texted:

“I’ll blow his head off with my Super 90.”

But the makers of the Super 90 shotgun, Benelli USA would like to correct him. They say the semi-automatic shotgun isn’t capable of blowing someone’s head off!
According to their rep, the gun will disperse shot that makes a lot of small holes at a longer range and one big hole up close- but no decapitations.
We guess when you own a gun company, you can go around nitpicking people’s semantics all you want! They may not blow your head off, but they sure will bite your head off! LOLz!
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

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Nov 13, 2012 00:03am PDT

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