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Claire Danes

Claire Danes Apparently Old Enough To Play A Mom In New Movie!

Claire Danes To Play Mother Of Teenage Daughter

Both Claire Danes and James Marsden are pretty young. So young, that just a few years ago, people probably would have laughed if you suggested that they’d be playing mom and dad to a teenage daughter.

But that’s what they’re doing in As Cool As I Am, the adaptation of Pete Fromm‘s coming-of-age novel about a teenage girl, her troubled mother, and her often-absent father.

The daughter has yet to be cast, so, it’ll be interesting to see who will be chosen to play her. Knowing Hollywood, she probably won’t be anywhere near the character’s real age, which is around 15.

This definitely has nothing to do with their acting abilities, because we def think that both Claire and James can pull off the duties and nail the parts — they’re both extremely talented.

It just kinda weirds us out that we’re to the point where they can legitimately play a couple with a teenage daughter!

How do U feel about this??

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 20, 2011 07:00am PDT

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