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Columbia University Student Carries Her Mattress On Stage At Graduation To Protest Her Dismissed Rape Case

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Emma Sulkowicz made headlines when she began carrying her mattress around Columbia University to protest the school’s mishandling of her rape case.
And on Tuesday that protest culminated when — despite earlier rulings against it — she was allowed to carry the mattress across the stage as she graduated.
This is the culmination of a protest/senior performance art project entitled Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight) in which Emma must have the mattress with her whenever she is on university property.
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Emma filed a complaint against another Columbia student in April 2013 for sexually assaulting her in August 2012.
When the University found the student “not responsible,” Emma took her case to the NYPD, who chose not to pursue charges.
She has since filed a Title IX lawsuit against the school.
See Emma carrying her mattress at the graduation ceremony AND hear her explain her motives (below):

[Image via Twitter.]

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May 19, 2015 15:06pm PDT