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David Cassidy Swears He Wasn't Driving Drunk


That’s his story and he’s sticking to it, no matter how much so-called evidence the police have!

Earlier today, it was reported that David Cassidy was arrested last night on a DUI charge after he was pulled over and was found intoxicated (he failed two breathalyzer tests)with a half-empty bottle of bourbon in his car.

Despite these FACTS, David is preparing to fight the DUI charges, claiming that he was not drunk, just tired and on a pain pill.

David’s rep is telling sources her client admits that he was a bit drowsy from the combination of a pain med he took for his back earlier in the day and exhaustion from going to an early morning funeral yesterday. As for the results of the breathalyzer tests he took at the time of arrest, David insists that they are inaccurate and were not “properly measured.” His rep went on to say:

“He would never jeopardize anyone on the road and he would not have been driving had he not had to go to a funeral … he’s never been arrested in his life before for anything.”

We’re all about the benefit of the doubt, but how can he know that his breathalyzer test wasn’t properly measured? Was he trained in that for something?

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Nov 04, 2010 12:00pm PDT

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